First Presbyterian Church in Greer wedding pictures of Kathryn and Garrett’s Wedding Day. Wedding Photos by FamZing Photography & Video

First Presbyterian Church in Greer is such a great place to get married, and it is no surprise as to why Kathryn and Garrett chose it.

Greenville Wedding Photographers #teamfamzing started the day with capturing all of the details of Kathryn's dress. It was a white trumpet style dress with a fingertip veil.

We captured some very handsome photographs of Garrett as he got ready for the big moment. He was feeling happy and was so excited to see Kathryn!

How They Met:

Garrett and Kathryn have been together 10 years. They met in the 9th grade at Byrnes High School and dated through high school and college.

The Proposal:

During spring break of my last year of graduate school Garrett and Kathryn went down to her parents beach condo. Throughout the week they had different friends stopping by and staying a few days. Towards the end of the week 3 of Kathryn's best girl friends came down. As they were getting ready for dinner Garrett asked her to go for a walk on the beach with him. This was not unusual since Kathryn loves to walk on the beach and was always asking him to go with her. However, she did not want to go then. After some convincing from Garrett and her friends they went down to the beach. They walked a little ways when Garrett got down on one knee and asked. It was absolutely perfect.

The big moment arrived, and we loved the look on Garrett's face when he saw Kathryn for the first time. 

The First Presbyterian Church in Greer wedding ceremony was perfect. 

Our night continued with Jumping Jukebox introducing the new Mr & Mrs, and the celebration continued. From the first dance to the last dance they kept everyone entertained.

To top of the night, the food was catered by Tim Holmes and was delicious as always! The Cake provided by Strossner's was not only delicious but also beautiful.

Our night came to a close with photographing them leaving with a Sparkler Exit! Give Kathryn and Garrett some love in the comments below to help them win some awesome wedding stuff!

Special thanks to the vendors that made the day a huge success!

Officiant: Dr. Brandi Casto-Waters 
Cake Vendor: Strossner's 
Hair Stylist: Ashley 
Wedding Dress Vendor: Dimitra Designs 
DJ or Band: Jumping Jukebox 
Event Coordinator or Planner: Rita Owens 
Flower Vendor: Barrett's  
Caterer of Food: Tim Holmes 
Transportation (Limo, Carriage, etc): BMW