Travelers Rest Missionary Baptist Church wedding pictures of April and Tyrone’s Wedding Day. Wedding Photos by FamZing Photography & Video

Travelers Rest Missionary Baptist Church is such a great place to get married, and it is no surprise as to why April and Tyrone chose it.

Greenville Wedding Photographers #teamfamzing started the day with capturing all of the details of April's dress. It was Ivory lace dress with a Cathedral veil.

We captured some very handsome photographs of Tyrone as he got ready for the big moment. He was feeling excited and was so excited to see April!

How They Met:

They first met at the YMCA years before actually dating. Tyrone noticed April six years later while dancing and enjoying music and decided to approach her again. This time she took his number and decided to call after two weeks. To her surprise, he remembered her! They have been inseparable since that year!

The Proposal:


The big moment arrived, and we loved the look on Tyrone's face when he saw April for the first time. 

The Travelers Rest Missionary Baptist Church wedding ceremony was perfect. 

Our night continued with DJ Perfect introducing the new Mr & Mrs, and the celebration continued. DJ Perfect was a blast and the guest loved them.

To top of the night, the food was catered by Hyatt Regency and was incredible, and they always impress us.. The Cake provided by Cakes by La'Meeka was not only delicious but also amaZing.

Our night came to a close with saying goodbye and enjoying watching the guest dance the night away! Give April and Tyrone some love in the comments below to help them win some awesome wedding stuff!

Special thanks to the vendors that made the day a huge success!

Officiant: Pastor Leon Wright and Pastor Allen Rector 
Cake Vendor: Cakes by La'Meeka 
Hair Stylist: Shalunda "Munchie" Rice 
Make Up Artist: Deidra Mills 
Wedding Dress Vendor: Dimitra Designs Bridal Emporium 
DJ or Band: DJ Perfect 
Event Coordinator or Planner: Niq Williams Events 
Flower Vendor: Niq Williams Events 
Event Rentals: Professional Party Rentals 
Caterer of Food: Hyatt Regency 
Transportation (Limo, Carriage, etc): Royal Limousine and Whispering Winds Carriage Company 
Photo Booth: Perfect Entertainment 
Videography: FamZing